Baby Project #1

This morning I finally finished the hem on a baby quilt that I have been working on… this is my first complete quilt (the queen size still needs to be quilted and hemmed and is waiting for me to complete some of these other projects).  I am quite proud of this–it is far from perfect, but it is beautiful and colorful and I think that for my first quilt it is pretty darn awesome.


Last nighty hubby and I were surprised to discover that we have reached the double digits in terms of expected days until baby.  At 26 weeks, I am starting to feel pretty darn pregnant, and am also beginning to relate a bit more to my sis-in-law’s experience around this time that “time is running out!” 26 weeks sounds pretty darn great, until I remember that leaves only 14 weeks until D-Day.  (In other words, I am moving back and forth between “WOOT!” and “ACK!”)

It has been a rather cool couple of days up here in the Mid-Atlantic–warm enough to melt the NY snow but cool enough to make me want to stay indoors and drink something warm.  The rain was pretty heavy yesterday, and is supposed to pick back up today, which means that, when added to the snow melt, we are looking at the possibility of the Delaware flooding its banks by evening tonight.  We aren’t close enough to the water line to be in any danger, but some folks in the church are, so we will have to see whether there is any fall out.  It is nice, though, to have all that rain melt away all the gross old snow.  You almost forget for a moment that it is winter.

It’s been a big week in the church calendar as well–Ash Wednesday was this week, and, when you add that with Presbytery, Lenten Vespers, and regular services, I found myself up to my eyeballs in things to do.  I had been up in NJ by myself this week, and had expected to get a good deal of reading done, but the week is almost come and gone, and instead I have found that little things really do add up.  Hopefully things will cool down come next week–I could use a bit of a breather.

Overall, not a bad week, though.  Every day I am reminded by the little kicker inside me that my life is changing rapidly, but I am excited about it.  And while Lent can be busy, I enjoy the change in pace in the church.  Hopefully the sun might break through, a little, though, and give me a good excuse to sit on the porch instead of in the house while I am working away.